Peter Ho

William has been fencing since 1964. In the early 70’s he was the Hong Kong Foil Champ. In 1971 he was a member of the Hong Kong/Taiwan/Philippine Triangular All Arm Championship Team, from 1972 to 1974 he was the H.K.A.F.A. treasurer. He has coached foil in school and communities in…
Chris Granert started fencing in 1997 in his early 20s. He qualified for the Philippine National Games that year and placed 8th in men’s epee. He then helped start and was the assistant coach of the University of the Philippine’s Fencing Club, the first fencing club in the Philippines outside…
Cathy discovered fencing because she got closed out of swim class in University in 1992, and went on to become Team captain of the University of the Philippines Varsity Fencing Team 1992-1994. She was concurrently founding president of the University of the Philippines Karate Association. In 1997, she moved back…
“多伦多击剑俱乐部(Toronto Fencing Club)的每一天都充满着忙碌的背影和勤奋的身姿.从初学者到世界级别的参赛者,从周一到周日,从技术训练,体能训练到实战训练, TFC 82名会员洒下的汗水,浇灌着剑馆的发展和成长,让俱乐部显得生机勃勃。”
这一切,离不开多伦多击剑俱乐部的主教练何曉文(Peter Ho),他招靡的教练精英团队:Tim Svidnytskiy, Alice Lu, Chris Granert, Cathy Granert ,William Wong, Adrian Liggins 和 Kamil Karbonowski。今年四月份,多伦多俱乐部还迎来了2004年奥运会女子重剑选手Monique Kavelaars, 走马上任俱乐部的教练协调员和训练合伙人. 八月份,来自委内瑞拉国家队少年组男子重剑教练助理Simon Duran加盟TFC。来自魁北克的国家队花剑选手Etienne Lalonde 和Anthony Prymack应邀到TFC担任访问教练. 至此,多伦多俱乐部的教练队伍完美组合完毕,从初学者到世界大赛的参赛者,都有优秀的教练引兵训练。这支实力雄厚的教练队伍,在彼特的率领和示范下,为俱乐部不同级别的会员提供不同的训练计划和组合, 努力帮助每一位俱乐部成员设定并现自己的奋斗目标。
It took Cindy Gao eight years to earn bragging rights as Canada’s top female fencer. The 18-year-old who calls Toronto home finished third at the 2017 Junior Pan American Championship in Havana, Cuba and won the Senior National Championship title that same year. Gao was named the National Fencing Athlete…
Date of Birth: October 4, 2000 Club: Toronto Fencing Club Grade 10 average: 92.2 Rank: B16 Results and Achievements Member of the Canadian cadet foil national team 3rd CMF at Canadian national championships (Vancouver, BC) 2014 1st U15 MF at Canadian national championships (Vancouver, BC) 2014 1st team MF at…
Alex Cai loves to outwit, outplay, and outlast, but he’s not playing Survivor – he’s fencing. Each time Alex Cai walks onto the piste and stands in the en garde position, he’s competing to become the sole survivor. The 17-year-old Grade 12 Toronto student won the Vancouver Canada Cup Junior…
Date of Birth: May 11th, 2001 Club: Toronto Fencing Club American Ranking: A16 Results and Achievements: Member of the Canadian Cadet and Junior foil national team (2015-2016) Member of the Cadet National Team (2016-2017) 3rd in SWF at Canadian National Championships (2014) 1st in CWF at Canadian National Championships (January…